Sax Specialties

  • Precision Overhauls featuring genuine kangaroo skin pads and your choice of resonators
  • All saxophone repairs
  • Custom key work
  • Re-lacquering and de-lacquering available
  • Silver and gold plating available
  • Wide selection of mouthpieces, ligatures, and reeds
  • Vintage and pre-owned saxes for sale
  • New saxes available from Keilwerth, Selmer, Unison, and Yanigisawa

We stock mothpieces by Beechler, Berg Larsen, Dukoff, Jody Jazz, John Reilly, Meyer, Morgan, Otto Link, Rousseau, Runyon, Selmer, SR Tech, Vandoren, Yanigisawa, and others.
Please visit the following websites to get more information.

25672 Taladro Circle #A Mission Viejo - California - 92691

Telephone - (949) 455-4163

FAX - (949) 455-4183

Store Hours: Monday - Friday 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.

Saturday - 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.